Friday, April 29, 2011

PerasaaN yang tiDak terungkaP

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Right n0w
In the middle of b0red day
I Missed Everything at PASUM!
Like a crazy 0ne
Seriously! Damn It!

Missed t0 go the lecturer n tut0rial class

Missed to have the gossip time with Z2

Missed C612

Missed my study table s0 much

Missed t0 stay at late night with crispy `kerepek`

Missed the chatting hour with charming rum8, Faezah n Micak

Missed KK12`s kafe f0od n cincau`s drink t0o

Missed Abg Syed n the rest 0f B0ria`s pe0ple

Missed NEGU 6131! people t0o

::S0 many things that I missed here n unc0untable mem0ries there::

all of th0se stuff,
really make me such a horrible pers0n!
because it`s kind 0f t0rture 0n my feeling n making me s0 suck!!!

apa yg mmpu aku buat adalah..

frust menonggeng

hantuk kepala kt dinding

tarik rambut smpai b0tak

hiris tgn dgn pisau

tidur sampai lebam

Anda pula bagaimana?

ish, aku xde lah nk buat semua bnda yg kt atas tu.. haha.. lg baik kalau kita semua ni ambil waktu yg terluang dgn berbuat hal yg demikian…

S0lat Sunat

solat (1)
Mengaji atau berd0a n berzikir

Kemas rumah

Belajar memasak

dan banyak lagi!!!

But Then, Y0u will disc0ver behinds all 0f th0se matter is…

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